Cognitive Match Acquired by Magnetic

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cognitive_match_logoIt has been going for a while now but finally everything fell into place and as such it is already making the news on the net 🙂 As of this week, Cognitive Match has been acquired by Magnetic!

TechCrunch has already covered this and you can read the full story here: .

There is also a video/interview with Alex Kelleher of (former) Cognitive Match and James Green of Magnetic on the details of the acquisition and you can watch it here :

magneticAnd of course, we captured the details ourselves on our website: .

There’s a lot of work ahead of us for integrating the 2 (great, dare I say) platforms so stay tuned for details!

Update May/29/2014: This seems to have got quite a lot of media traction (who would have known that we are SO famous 😉 ) — so here’s more coverage about the acquisition below:

I’ll update with more links as I find them.