Posts Tagged: IT


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Quite a while back, (and I mean quite a while back, that’s been enough water under the bridge so I can now tell the story 🙂 ) I used to work for this guy who quite frankly was way out of his depth in the position he was in. He was my (and others’) boss […]

Idiotic Recruitment

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This has just happened to me for real recently and I thought it more than deserves a blog entry. I am used to receiving (quite often irrelevant) regular job offers/notifications from various agency who had my CV years ago and as such still have my CV in their database and include me on their regular […]

Plan for a Crisis

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If you haven’t heard the phrase yet, memorise it now: plan for a crisis! Because if there is one thing certain in the running of each company, that is having a crisis – we all encounter it on one level or another. You might be lucky enough for your crisis to be your project just […]

java code

Compilation tools

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If you are developing applications as your day job then you are used more than likely to compiling your code and then running it (I know there are exceptions to the rule in those who are using interpreted languages but there’s still a majority of us it seems who use compilers). Some of you might […]

Let’s teach the world

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I’m fed up with reading a lot of articles on various technical websites which are aiming to teach the world how to do various things related to programming! And that sounds strange I know, because we need those articles, we need more people to share their knowledge this way. But I’m fed up because I […]

How come developers dont want to work for banks anymore?

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I had a couple of recent discussions on the phone recently with 2 head hunters who were trying to get me a “dream job” in some banks in the city. I say “dream job” because that’s exactly how they presented it to me – the fact that it was in a bank it meant for […]

Programming for bandwidth

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Just like many others I do keep an eye on the technical articles and blogs that are out there on the net. I’d like to think that most of the ones I’m reading are quite authoritative on some areas of programming and present some useful insights into the world of IT. Even so, I am […]

The big guns

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This is just something that has been the subject of many discussions in between myself and various friends of mine for a while now so I thought I’d summarize some of these into a post – if nothing else just to remind myself a few years down the line what I used to think about […]