Posts Tagged: java collections

Nicer implementations using Java streams

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I am not entirely sold on the performance of the Java streams but I will accept they are getting much better compared to the first cut, we now have parallel streams and all sorts, and also it provides a (nicer) functional approach to coding. I’m not going to go into the whole dispute of whether […]


Java, Map and Optional

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I do like the Optional class in Java — it is a long awaited elegant replacement for returning null whenever something isn’t there then relying on if( x != null ) checks or using ?: in the format (x == null) ? “foo” : “bar”. It works great also with the new Java stream classes […]

Collection Sorting — Java vs Groovy

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With the introduction of lambdas in Java (not so) recently, some argue that Groovy lost some of its thunder, as closures are now first class citizens in the JDK. However, as I’m about to show, while lambda’s pushed the Java language a great deal forward, Groovy still makes a lot of things incredibly easy (and […]

Goodies in Groovy from DefaultGroovyMethods

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If you ever programmed in Groovy language, you probably “enjoyed” (maybe without realising) the joys of DefaultGroovyMethods. What you probably don’t realise is that you can override these methods to customize your classes — and occasionally generate some code that’s not that easy to read. (Do you remember the old C++ way of overriding operators […]

Java Map and Subtleties of getOrDefault vs computeIfAbsent

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I wrote recently about the new niceties in the Map interface that Java 8 brought to light where I’m highlighting in particular 2 new methods: getOrDefault and computeIfAbsent (see my previous post here about it). These provide a cleaner (and as it turns out faster too!) way of retrieving values from a Map instance. However, […]

Java 8 — Map and the Unknown “Niceties”

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Despite Java 9 making its way into the real world nowadays, I see a lot of Java code out there still relying on the old-style Java 6-like syntax. And I’m not talking about the usage of lambda’s, stream’s and the likes, but rather some of the improvements Java 8 brought to existing classes in the […]