I’ve had a go recently at looking at Spring Boot OAuth2 and how easy it is implementing a sign in with Microsoft using OAUTH2. My findings were surprising and justified I think this blog post. More importantly I think it explains why Microsoft has such little “pull” with developers nowadays. (Sure they are trying to […]
Posts Tagged: microsoft
Marketing Automation Companies Have a Lot to Learn from Tech World
As you might know by now, I’ve adjusted a bit my career recently. My core experience is a techie in the online advertising world — and as of recently I’ve moved into an adjacent segment: digital marketing. It sounds like a drastic move, but to be honest, when you look closely, it’s actually the same […]
Of CERES and Naming Your Products
OK, so this is a bit of a trip back in time, in the early days of Cognitive Match, when we started building our system. As it happens during such times, often one encounters the matter of giving the systems a name — for once it makes it more precise to refer to a system […]
(Anti)Advert for Microsoft Windows? :)
In case you can’t read it, the error message reports that the Video Player has encountered and error and will be shut down. Oh, and apparently the icons on the desktop need cleaning up — well done, Microsoft!
What Most Schools Don’t Teach…
If you work in IT, you have probably by now have seen the famous video on YouTube labelled “What most schools don’t teach” — where Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and a few other prominent figures are talking about how easy it is to program, and how only 10% of the USA schools teach programming. It […]
Use MS Powerpoint to Draw Diagrams
OK, so this post probably looks odd in the context of my blog — since most of the content so far is made up of (rather silly) pictures of me mixed up with technical content targeted at developers out there. However, if you are more than a coder and you actually get involved in designing […]
Of Java and Assembler
The title would no doubt puzzle quite a few of you — after all I’m putting in the same sentence a low-level, processor-specific language (for no better term for “assembler” — I know, I know, I know, “it’s not really a language”, right?) with a rather high-level, even platform-independent language like Java. So, right away […]
Write C++ Code in Microsoft Paint!
This is an absolute gem (thanks Tord!) — but you can write C++ code using just MS Paint!!!
Bandwidth – reloaded
I’ve posted before about bandwidth in my posts and I knew from the beginning that it’s one of those issues that you can never exhaust. As it happens recently I came across another interesting thing which is probably worth sharing: cross browser delivery. In brief, it means delivering to each browser the content it can […]
Compilation tools
If you are developing applications as your day job then you are used more than likely to compiling your code and then running it (I know there are exceptions to the rule in those who are using interpreted languages but there’s still a majority of us it seems who use compilers). Some of you might […]