I use RxJava a lot nowadays — back in the day before I joined Netflix I was struggling with it a bit and mostly watched from the sideline but nowadays I find myself pulling in that dependency in a lot of the Java code I’m writing. And I also use the Spock framework a lot […]
Posts Tagged: Spock
Anti-pattern for testing RxJava code
This is an obvious one but I find myself so often using it and every single time it means I have to spend extra time debugging my test / code until I realize that I’ve fallen for the same mistake again. I’m using RxJava here and using Groovy and Spock framework for testing — and […]
Gradle Multi-module Projects — Centralized Configuration
This is a sweet gradle trick for those of you working on multi-module projects, if you are looking to centralize some of the configuration in the parent gradle build, and avoid repeating configuration / build code across sub-modules. Let’s say you have the following gradle project structure (see image below) where project A is the […]
@TupleConstructor in Groovy Language
I find myself nowadays mixing a lot of JVM languages: I write a lot of “core” code in Java, as I prefer the verbosity of it somehow, but then I find myself a lot of times I just need a lot of utilities or “quickies” around this code — be it for unit testing purposes […]