Monthly Archives: December 2006

Pluto — “The Onion” Style

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So Pluto is no longer a “proper” planet for a while now. And what does NASA do about it? Well, apparently they’re sending a space probe to consolate the poor thing — aaahhh! 🙂 Check out this funny story on The Onion:

Customize Your SquirrelMail Login Page

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If you’re using SquirrelMail then you are probably a bit fed up with the plain look-and-feel of the product. I’m not against it, it’s just that it DOES look kind of amateurish, unfortunately 🙁 While there is currently work in progress to make it more customizable and skinnable and so on in a future release, […]

Solar System Live

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Have you seen this “live” Solar system simulator? Check out — really cool! And don’t try to keep refreshing it to see how the planets move 🙂 The scale of the simulation is small enough so you can just about see a diferrence from day to day. You can try playing with the dates […]

SquirrelMail Autocomplete for Firefox

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So I finally got around to providing a fix for the Autocomplete plugin for SquirrelMail to work in Firefox (for those of you who didn’t realise, the plugin was only working with Internet Explorer before). Hopefully the fix will make it in the next release of the plugin, but for those of you who are […]