Monthly Archives: December 2015

Jenkins CI Trick to Prevent Task from Triggering Itself on SCM Commit

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I’ve come across this recently working on a project in Netflix and thought worth sharing. The project I was dealing with packages some JavaScript code which, before deployment, needed to be minified. We have set up our Jenkins task such that it polls Git for changes in the master branch and when the changes are […]

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Of Java Streams … Again!

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I just went again through this JAX London write-up (read more here: and thought it was worth some more thoughts from me. As you might recall, I have touched before on the subject of Java 8 streams in this blog post back in Sep/2014. The thing that puzzled me back then was the fact […]

Convenience Factory Methods for Collections in Java 9

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Looking the other day through the JDK Enhancements Proposals (aka “JEP“) I came across JEP-269: “Convenience Factory Methods for Collections”. Oh hello, where have you been all these previous JDK releases? 🙂 It seems finally the Java world has woken up to what other JVM languages (and not only!) have been offering for a while: […]