I use PMD in my Gradle builds quite a bit. (Maybe a bit more nowadays that the FindBugs peeps seem to be struggling with that project — see this email from Andrey on this: https://mailman.cs.umd.edu/pipermail/findbugs-discuss/2016-November/004321.html). The issue I had with it is that there is no way to quickly turn off their checks for the src/test/… […]
Posts Tagged: code quality
PMD Rules
If you have used such plugins in your project as FindBugs, Checkstyle etc then you quite likely have heard of PMD too. (I have used these tools initially with Apache Maven and nowadays use them via Gradle in my builds, but there’s lots of support for others tools, Ant included.) The trouble with PMD as […]
Checkstyle, Findbugs, PMD and the Likes
I’ve been using the above (and a few others like CodeNarc) code quality plugins for quite a bit and I thought I’d give my 2 cents here on a matter of style: the way you can suppress checks in each of these tools. I do like the way Checkstyle allows you to define what to […]