Posts Tagged: design patterns

Of Validating Inputs in Java and Designing for Extension

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I read recently an article on DZone titled “Defensive Programming: Why You Shouldn’t Check Input Parameters for Validity” (by the way, you can find the article here: and it made me think — and write this post 🙂 For those of you who don’t have the patience to read the full article, the author […]

Coding — My Daily Dose of Dopamine

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I was asked recently by a friend of mine about what does my “standard” day of work consist of at Netflix. I had to explain to him that it’s hard to talk about a “standard” day as each day sees me looking at different pieces of our infrastructure and requires different challenges to be solved. […]

Do We Still Need the Singleton Pattern?

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If you have been working in software engineering for a while chances are you have often come across (even if you didn’t know it!) design patterns. If you haven’t, as I said, chances are you just don’t realise you have used them — so I strongly suggest the “Gang of Four” book as a starting […]

Simplify Your Singletons

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I’ve seen recently some Java code (I’m not telling whose, you probably know who you are :p) where a singleton pattern was involved. Nothing unusual here, you would say — and you’re right, I probably found myself using Singleton and Factory and Observer in pretty much every single Java project I ever worked on. The […]

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Developing for multi-cores and the cloud

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I have noticed recently that “cloud” and “multi-core” became buzz words in the Java world. (About time if you ask me!) The interesting bit is the implication it has on writing code — and so many developers (and not only!) are blogging their nuts off about this. All of a sudden it is ok to […]