This one had me pulling my hairs off and going crazy trying to figure it out so I thought it deserves a space on my blog 🙂 While it’s what it looks like a small fix, it turned out to be a b**ch in terms of googling for an answer as whatever combination of search […]
Posts Tagged: HTTP POST
Small App for Linking Twitter and HowAboutWe
OK so I know it’s geeky as you like, and to a certain degree pointless… however, for the sake of being a geek and using Twitter too much perhaps, I decided to give this a go, and it turned out into an app that I rather enjoyed playing with (as well as writing it of […]
First Steps with Jolokia
In a (rather old) previous post I have talked about using Sun (ahem Oracle!) JMX/HTML bridge to manage and monitor your applications. As it happens, that agent has been discontinued and due to various licensing issues (I’m guessing) one can’t even download it normally from a maven repo, and has to rely on all sorts […]