I just went again through this JAX London write-up (read more here: http://www.infoq.com/news/2015/10/jax-london-2015-round-up) and thought it was worth some more thoughts from me. As you might recall, I have touched before on the subject of Java 8 streams in this blog post back in Sep/2014. The thing that puzzled me back then was the fact […]
Posts Tagged: lambda expressions
Find in Array — Java 8 Style
Java 8 has added support for parallel processing arrays — as I’m sure most of you know. There are lots of official release documents from Oracle talking about how employing these parallel methods and classes improves speed of your application — and as to be expected, there are lots of bloggers who set off to […]
Parallel Sorting in Java 8
I started playing with Java 8 relatively recently (booo! 🙂 ) — and going through the new features this JDK brought, I keep discovering things which I feel deserve more attention than they have been given. Sure, everyone is raving about the lambda expressions, try-with-resources and so on, but occasionally there are small additions that […]
Running Multiple JDK Versions on Mac OS X
If you’re a Java developer like me, working on a bunch of different projects at the same time, then you quite likely find yourself in the situation where you need to switch in between different JDK versions every time you switch context/project. In my case, I am working on the (good) stuff we got going […]