I’m a big fan of Raspberry PI — to the point where I have actually 2 of these little rascals. (I actually use one of them occasionally to run bits of development stuff on it — test things like nodejs and groovy scripts etc; and the other one I sort of keep for experimental PI […]
Posts Tagged: mac os
Running Tomcat on Port 80 on a Mac — shell script
If you’ve been messing about with Tomcat on a Mac OS X, you probably came across the problem of not being able to run the damn Tomcat on port 80. This to many won’t come as a problem, as in most cases port 8080 works fine for local development/testing. However, I found out that this […]
Sequel Pro Bundles: Copy As HTML, Copy As Wiki Table, Copy as CSV
Some of you might know that I’ve moved to Mac recently (no comment!) — as such I had to ditch the HeidiSQL client for MySQL (booo! why does it only run on Windows????) and had to figure out another handy MySQL client which works on Mac OS X. You can of course use the MySQL […]
Should Apple Learn from IBM?
So Bill Gates had a go at Apple’s commercials — good on him, I’d say! What is the big deal about Windows “borrowing” from Mac OS-X? Or any other system for that purpose? Do guys in Apple think that every company should only stick to their own internal ideas? How would they envisage progress in […]