Posts Tagged: mysql


Storing Lists Using Evernote — via API

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I’ve been playing for a while with Evernote and their API, which I find rather simple and effective (well done, guys!) — and as such on a few pet projects I have started considering moving the storage to Evernote itself. The beauty of using Evernote is that the storage is already structured for you in […]

PHP Utility to Convert Multi-line MySQL Strings

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This is a very small “project” (I use quotes since the term “project” seems a bit generous here, however, it is treated as a project on GitHub!), which I found to be useful when dealing with generating MySQL scripts to insert or update text which spans over multiple lines. In most such cases, I would […]

Script to Quickly Create a Java Spring MVC Project

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I’ve been (a bit) frustrated recently with the lack of support for quickly creating a Spring MVC project skeleton — there seems to be some maven archetypes but most of them I found to either not be maintained for a while and/or they install so much stuff that I decided not to use them. All […]