If you’re a Java developer like me, working on a bunch of different projects at the same time, then you quite likely find yourself in the situation where you need to switch in between different JDK versions every time you switch context/project. In my case, I am working on the (good) stuff we got going […]
Posts Tagged: shell scripting
Of Java and Assembler
The title would no doubt puzzle quite a few of you — after all I’m putting in the same sentence a low-level, processor-specific language (for no better term for “assembler” — I know, I know, I know, “it’s not really a language”, right?) with a rather high-level, even platform-independent language like Java. So, right away […]
Running Tomcat on Port 80 on a Mac — shell script
If you’ve been messing about with Tomcat on a Mac OS X, you probably came across the problem of not being able to run the damn Tomcat on port 80. This to many won’t come as a problem, as in most cases port 8080 works fine for local development/testing. However, I found out that this […]
Automating iptables on Debian Linux
It’s interesting to dwell occasionally into researching how people are reaching my blog and what are they looking for when they do so. As you have seen so recently I have brought back a few old articles that seem to have triggered the attention of some people on the net — at least that’s what […]
Monitoring Your Servers
One of the common tasks of setting up a production environment in your datacentre is setting up monitoring of your servers. This is quite often overlooked (“our application doesn’t have bugs and doesn’t crash!”) until hell breaks loose. At this point the damage is done and 9 times out of 10 is irreparable. (If you […]