Posts Tagged: spring framework

java code

Java Dependency Injection and a Useless Annotation

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I’ve stepped into the Guice territory rather recently — coming from the Spring framework side of things — and I guess I had so far a similar love/hate experience as with Spring. I rely mostly on the javax.annotation standards anyway so to a certain degree whether it’s Spring or Guice I guess doesn’t make that much […]

Parallel : Groovy and Java Streams

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This is something that every now and then I have to do: check whether either one or all elements of a collection meet a certain criteria. The standard code initially in Java involved a for loop and iterating through the collection explicitly and checking the condition at each step. Then Apache Commons came on with their […]

Tracking Users Online — Part 3

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I’ve been lucky enough to get some time on my hands to put together a small release of the PixelServer project — and this is the post to accompany it. If you’re familiar with my posts from this series (see the previous entry here btw), you know that the code is hosted on Github under […]

Tracking Users Online — Part 2

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First release of this project on Github is now out there. And as promised in my “pilot” post of this series, this post will walk you through what went into this release and why. The project itself as you recall is available on Github in this repository: The version for this release is pixelserver-1.0.0 […]

Tracking Users Online — Part 1

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I’ve written before in my blog about privacy online, cookies, user tracking and so on. The idea isn’t new at all and it is encountered on every decent website out there. (In fact, I use a few different solutions on my blog for various reasons: analyzing the number of unique visitors, page views, filtering comments, […]

Fixing aws-maven Issue with “Access Denied”

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I’ve been using the aws-maven plugin for a while now to deploy Maven artifacts to S3. Typically I’ll use the Maven Archiver plugin to package the projects in some sort of tarball then use aws-maven to upload this to S3. From there on regardless of the deployment tools I use on our production servers I […]

Do We Still Need the Singleton Pattern?

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If you have been working in software engineering for a while chances are you have often come across (even if you didn’t know it!) design patterns. If you haven’t, as I said, chances are you just don’t realise you have used them — so I strongly suggest the “Gang of Four” book as a starting […]

Script to Quickly Create a Java Spring MVC Project

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I’ve been (a bit) frustrated recently with the lack of support for quickly creating a Spring MVC project skeleton — there seems to be some maven archetypes but most of them I found to either not be maintained for a while and/or they install so much stuff that I decided not to use them. All […]

java code

Of Java and Assembler

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The title would no doubt puzzle quite a few of you — after all I’m putting in the same sentence a low-level, processor-specific language (for no better term for “assembler” — I know, I know, I know, “it’s not really a language”, right?) with a rather high-level, even platform-independent language like Java. So, right away […]