Monthly Archives: October 2008

One of the Most Addictive Games I’ve Seen!

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If you haven’t yet heard of it’s worth checking their site out — as I find myself often playing one of their 5-minutes games when I get bored. Their latest addition is called “Stunt Pilot” and it’s one of the most addictive ones they had for a while now — before I knew it, […]

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System Update

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For the less geeky of you who haven’t figured it out by now, there’s been quite a few changes recently on my website(s): First of all, my advertising/banners are now served via a fresh implementation of OpenX — and I can’t begin to tell you how much easier is to normalize <script> tags and <iframe> […]

Say “Hello” to My Little Friend :-)

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If you haven’t seen the website then it’s time to check it out for yourself — if nothing else has given me an idea to change my IT career to perhaps a more gangster-y one: