Monthly Archives: December 2009

2009 — Bad Year? No Way!!!

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It’s coming to the end of 2009 (only 3 days away really!) and as such there are a lot of people reflecting on how good or bad 2009 has been for them. Personally I wasn’t intending on doing so until a couple of days ago when I met up with an old friend who said […]

Christmas Tree – Before and After

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Right after all the presents where dropped under the tree by Santa: A bit of a problem trying to keep my niece from getting her little hands on all of them but we managed to keep her distracted somehow 🙂

Snow in Edinburgh

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Just the day I was leaving — it stopped just enough for my flight to leave and arrive on time 🙂 The very next day (Friday) woken up with all stations announcing Gatwick (which is where I landed) and a few other airports being closed because of snow — phew! right on time! 🙂

Debian Linux, exim4 and Outlook 2003 TLS/SSL Config

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The following might seem obvious for some of you but I felt the need to publish it as it took me ages to get exim4 and Outlook 2003 to work together with one of the domains I’ve just bought. In brief, I’ve bought a new domain (call it and I went this time for […]