Monthly Archives: December 2010

Cognitive Match Christmas Day Out 2010

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I’ve promised in my previous post I’ll come back with more pictures from the awesome Christmas bash we had last Friday here, at @CognitiveMatch. Many thanks to @AlexKelleher and Lucy (she’s not on Twitter, bloody technophobes! :p) for organising this — and not to forget @theboybg for taking all the photos and putting together this […]

I Got All The Birds!

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I’m sure you know by now that I’ve been pulling birds for 100 years — and to prove that my “experience” in the matter is still solid, here’s a recent trophy to prove it: In case you can’t read it, I’ll spell it out for you: it reads “I’ve got all the birds!”. And here’s […]

How Do You Hire Your Developers?

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All IT companies at some point are faced with the problem of hiring staff – in particular, developers, who in most cases are the core of the business, as they create the product(s) the company builds upon. This is no easy task (if you think it is, go and outsource all of your development to […]

Love Thy Rugby (Player)!

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This is so funny that I had to put it on my blog: reading some other rugby website today I came across this advert from Google: If you haven’t spotted it yet, the advert I’m talking about is the one reading “Rugby Lover Dating UK”. (Did you not know that the rugby players do it […]