Monthly Archives: March 2011

Plan for a Crisis

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If you haven’t heard the phrase yet, memorise it now: plan for a crisis! Because if there is one thing certain in the running of each company, that is having a crisis – we all encounter it on one level or another. You might be lucky enough for your crisis to be your project just […]


2 X 1 = 0.5

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The “equation” in the title has go doubt puzzled you as it is nonsense 🙂 I couldn’t agree better, though there are a lot of people that don’t see that! Intrigued to hear that? What if I was to tell you that the above formula should be read “if you double the number of developers […]

Rugby Dating

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I’ve only titled this post “rugby dating” to see if this ad actually appears on my site as well to be honest 🙂 I’ve mentioned this site in one of my previous posts, but didn’t make too much of it as I thought it’s one of those small nichey dating sites that will never grow […]

Bandwidth – reloaded

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I’ve posted before about bandwidth in my posts and I knew from the beginning that it’s one of those issues that you can never exhaust. As it happens recently I came across another interesting thing which is probably worth sharing: cross browser delivery. In brief, it means delivering to each browser the content it can […]

Future of Social Networking

Future of Online Social Networking

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I saw this and thought it was dead funny, so apologies to those of you who already saw it already on some … social networking sites (ironically enough!) — but this is what the future will look like when the YouTube, facebook and Twitter merge:


The Joys of Development Frameworks

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I haven’t had much time lately to use my beloved mobile WordPress application – due to a mixture of owning a Kindle nowadays and being swamped with work. Ironically it was some of the recent work that forced me in the end to write this article so today I gave up my Kindle on the […]