Monthly Archives: February 2016

Of Validating Inputs in Java and Designing for Extension

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I read recently an article on DZone titled “Defensive Programming: Why You Shouldn’t Check Input Parameters for Validity” (by the way, you can find the article here: and it made me think — and write this post 🙂 For those of you who don’t have the patience to read the full article, the author […]

Gradle — Customize Startup Scripts for Java Applications

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OK, so you use Gradle to build your Java projects. And if you use the application plugin in Gradle then you get also the startup script generation so you can ship that straight into your prod servers. Thing is, the application plugin generates a “standard” script — which does include the classpath and a whole […]

Let’s Go, Sharks!

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Awesome victory against the Coyotes,  right before my birthday! And I was there, at the SAP Center to watch it. Including the initial denied goal by Hertl — in your face, ref! He scored again right after, take that 🙂 Full set of pictures below — though I’m not sure in this instance how much […]

JaCoCo / Gradle — Excluding Source Files and Classes

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I have switched recently from Cobertura to JaCoCo so I started becoming more familiar with this tool. (And since you asked, one of the main reasons for the switch is that Cobertura is absolutely terrible when it comes to Java lambdas and pollutes the output with a lot of warning and messages about malformed Java […]

Automating Twitter OAuth Tasks with node.js

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At Netflix, we made a name for ourselves for being a Java shop. A quick look at our Netflix OSS page on Github reveals a whole suite of projects all Java-based. However, apart from the Java projects that are going on in Netflix – and the JVM-based projects (we DO Groovy and Scala too!) – […]