Monthly Archives: November 2016

Thoughts on Programming and Its Challenges

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At the end of another tough week in Netflix I look back at what I have achieved and what has been challenging in achieving it. I do wonder what I do looks like from the outside and I can’t really see how someone would make sense of my job. I sit in front of 3 (sometimes more!) […]

Gotcha When Building Gradle Plugins on Top of docker-java-plugin

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If you use gradle and docker you must have come across the gradle-docker-plugin. And if you started using it a lot you probably found out that more often than not your builds start using the same boilerplate code to prepare your microservices containers. And if you end up in that situation best thing to avoid boilerplate rubbish […]

Disable PMD Plugin to Run for Test Sources

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I use PMD in my Gradle builds quite a bit. (Maybe a bit more nowadays that the FindBugs peeps seem to be struggling with that project — see this email from Andrey on this: The issue I had with it is that there is no way to quickly turn off their checks for the src/test/… […]

PMD Rules

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If you have used such plugins in your project as FindBugs, Checkstyle etc then you quite likely have heard of PMD too. (I have used these tools initially with Apache Maven and nowadays use them via Gradle in my builds, but there’s lots of support for others tools, Ant included.) The trouble with PMD as […]

node.js Annoyance: url-download

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I been using node.js for a while now, and I do like it. I think I am still to make up my mind as to I consider this a solid production environment or it’s just a great tool for scripting and getting prototype off the ground — but even so, I definitely see its place in […]