It so happens that in a few of the apps I work on here in Netflix we use Jersey libraries inside a Tomcat container. As such I use the JSR annotations a lot safe in the knowledge that Jersey will take care of all the plumbing work and deal with routing and serialization/deserialization so I […]
Posts Tagged: apache tomcat
Tracking Users Online — Part 2
First release of this project on Github is now out there. And as promised in my “pilot” post of this series, this post will walk you through what went into this release and why. The project itself as you recall is available on Github in this repository: The version for this release is pixelserver-1.0.0 […]
Tracking Users Online — Part 1
I’ve written before in my blog about privacy online, cookies, user tracking and so on. The idea isn’t new at all and it is encountered on every decent website out there. (In fact, I use a few different solutions on my blog for various reasons: analyzing the number of unique visitors, page views, filtering comments, […]
About the Play! Framework and Their Thread Pooling
This is a rather interesting find and I’m still looking into it — so hopefully will come back with more insights on it — but I thought I’d publish these things as I find them. So bear with me as I unravel this mistery — as of right now, unless I’m looking in the wrong […]
First Steps with Jolokia
In a (rather old) previous post I have talked about using Sun (ahem Oracle!) JMX/HTML bridge to manage and monitor your applications. As it happens, that agent has been discontinued and due to various licensing issues (I’m guessing) one can’t even download it normally from a maven repo, and has to rely on all sorts […]
Running Tomcat on Port 80 on a Mac — shell script
If you’ve been messing about with Tomcat on a Mac OS X, you probably came across the problem of not being able to run the damn Tomcat on port 80. This to many won’t come as a problem, as in most cases port 8080 works fine for local development/testing. However, I found out that this […]
About Web Servers Security
A few weeks ago I was talking to an old friend of mine who finally decided to take advantage of his fast broadband and have a little personal site “hosted” at home, over the broadband link. (Due to the fact that I’m gonna give away some details about his hardware and software setup, I decided […]