Posts Tagged: borat


Utility for Version-Enabled AWS S3 Buckets

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OK, Amazon, I have to tell you something: you dropped the ball a bit on this one! I absolutely love AWS and every day I seem to find something new about them (though, granted, not sure if that says something about the innovation in Amazon or it says something about my ignorance!?). However, having used […]

Why the House Music Gained Popularity

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Piece of genius from our buddy, Bruno, the gay Austrian fashion reporter brought to life by Sascha Baron Cohen; talking to the owner of a club, inquiring about the type of music played he finds out the club is playing mainly house music: “Now you see communism has been overthrown in many Eastern European countries, […]

Jek sie masz!

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Don’t know about you, but I went and saw the movie Borat this weekend, after all the hype that was built around it. And I must say it is extremely funny! While I was amused before by his “Russian” language which turns out to be Polish (ask any Polish guy how do you say “Thanks” […]