Posts Tagged: edinburgh

London Underground

Liv’s Guide to London

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I was asked recently by a couple of friends on this side of the Atlantic about suggestions regarding London — as they were planning their London trip. I put together an email with basic pointers and sent it to my first friend. Shortly after it turns out another one decides he wants to visit Blighty and […]

2009 — Bad Year? No Way!!!

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It’s coming to the end of 2009 (only 3 days away really!) and as such there are a lot of people reflecting on how good or bad 2009 has been for them. Personally I wasn’t intending on doing so until a couple of days ago when I met up with an old friend who said […]

Snow in Edinburgh

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Just the day I was leaving — it stopped just enough for my flight to leave and arrive on time 🙂 The very next day (Friday) woken up with all stations announcing Gatwick (which is where I landed) and a few other airports being closed because of snow — phew! right on time! 🙂