Posts Tagged: FindBugs

Dependency overload … or laziness?

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This is something that started bugging me back in the maven area — when I switched from the likes of Ant as a build tool, which was relying on the user being explicit about a lot of things and doing a lot of the grunt work for it, to the maven world. Now maven was […]

Disable PMD Plugin to Run for Test Sources

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I use PMD in my Gradle builds quite a bit. (Maybe a bit more nowadays that the FindBugs peeps seem to be struggling with that project — see this email from Andrey on this: The issue I had with it is that there is no way to quickly turn off their checks for the src/test/… […]

PMD Rules

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If you have used such plugins in your project as FindBugs, Checkstyle etc then you quite likely have heard of PMD too. (I have used these tools initially with Apache Maven and nowadays use them via Gradle in my builds, but there’s lots of support for others tools, Ant included.) The trouble with PMD as […]

On Java Annotations and Type Safety

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Nicolas Fränkel published a blog entry recently talking about “Type-safe annotations” in Java — which trigger my thoughts on the same matter, and voila, there’s this post as a result of it. This is in fact my 2 cents on the matter — and as such I’d recommend you read Nicolas’ point of view too […]

Small Yet So Costly Java Mistake

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OK so I felt like I needed to share this code with “the world” as I think it’s a good example of a few things: first of all nobody’s perfect — I know you read that in my website tag line 🙂 but yeah nobody’s perfect… sadly, in this instance, myself included 🙂 secondly, it […]

Gradle Multi-Project Issue with Checkstyle

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I have encountered this with Gradle recently and I have struggled to find right away a solution to the issue — it took a bit of reading (more) about Gradle, Checkstyle and some digging in until I found the (rather simple) solution. So I thought I’d post it here for others to hopefully find this […]

CodeNarc and Gradle

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I have started using recently Gradle, which I have to confess I actually find to be a bliss compared to Maven. Maybe because I prefer a Groovy-based syntax for build configuration, rather than Maven’s XML-based configuration file. Or maybe because I feel somehow the Gradle peeps have made the tool a bit easier to use […]