Posts Tagged: groovy language

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Parallel RxJava and Spock Oddity

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I use RxJava a lot nowadays — back in the day before I joined Netflix I was struggling with it a bit and mostly watched from the sideline but nowadays I find myself pulling in that dependency in a lot of the Java code I’m writing. And I also use the Spock framework a lot […]

Thoughts on Programming and Its Challenges

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At the end of another tough week in Netflix I look back at what I have achieved and what has been challenging in achieving it. I do wonder what I do looks like from the outside and I can’t really see how someone would make sense of my job. I sit in front of 3 (sometimes more!) […]

Gotcha When Building Gradle Plugins on Top of docker-java-plugin

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If you use gradle and docker you must have come across the gradle-docker-plugin. And if you started using it a lot you probably found out that more often than not your builds start using the same boilerplate code to prepare your microservices containers. And if you end up in that situation best thing to avoid boilerplate rubbish […]

Of Fibonacci’s Number and Groovy’s Memoization

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As a developer, chances are every time you hear recursion mentioned you probably also hear of Fibonacci’s number. And in the same breath you probably hear also of stack overflow 🙂 Because — as you get to learn quickly — if you decide to implement Fibonacci’s number via a recursive function, you end up abusing […]

Gradle Multi-module Projects — Centralized Configuration

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This is a sweet gradle trick for those of you working on multi-module projects, if you are looking to centralize some of the configuration in the parent gradle build, and avoid repeating configuration / build code across sub-modules. Let’s say you have the following gradle project structure (see image below) where project A is the […]

Goodies in Groovy from DefaultGroovyMethods

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If you ever programmed in Groovy language, you probably “enjoyed” (maybe without realising) the joys of DefaultGroovyMethods. What you probably don’t realise is that you can override these methods to customize your classes — and occasionally generate some code that’s not that easy to read. (Do you remember the old C++ way of overriding operators […]

Small Note on gradle’s afterEvaluate

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If you use gradle and you took the path to write your own gradle plugins (try it, it’s fun!) to make your build process more … “enjoyable”, then this might come in handy one day. I have worked on a few gradle plugins, some of them inside the Netflix Nebula suite, some of them outside Netflix […]

Convenience Factory Methods for Collections in Java 9

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Looking the other day through the JDK Enhancements Proposals (aka “JEP“) I came across JEP-269: “Convenience Factory Methods for Collections”. Oh hello, where have you been all these previous JDK releases? 🙂 It seems finally the Java world has woken up to what other JVM languages (and not only!) have been offering for a while: […]

Odd Behaviour in Groovy when Comparing Maps

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I came across this the other day and I ended up spending quite some time on it pulling my hair and I still couldn’t explain it in the end so I thought  I’d post here to see if anyone can shed some light into it. In brief, it’s about Groovy’s (otherwise awesome!) feature of comparing […]

@TupleConstructor in Groovy Language

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I find myself nowadays mixing a lot of JVM languages: I write a lot of “core” code in Java, as I prefer the verbosity of it somehow, but then I find myself a lot of times I just need a lot of utilities or “quickies” around this code — be it for unit testing purposes […]