OK, if you never read Douglas Adams‘ work, then the above title might read odd for you — to say the least! On the other hand though, if “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is familiar to you then you gathered by now where I’m coming from. (And even if you don’t, read on — […]
Posts Tagged: interview
The Other Side of the Fence
I felt I needed to write this, as we have been interviewing for a bit in Cognitive Match, for various segments of our technical team and we had occasionally bad luck with the candidates who turned up. Having been on both sides of the recruiting fence in my life, I realise that a certain percentage […]
How do you attract your employees?
“We are one of the greatest companies to work for!” I’m sure you’ve heard this a few times through your interviews. And only very rarely it proves to be the case. (leaving aside the fact that “great” is a subjective term and as such it’s difficult to compare the “greatness” of 2 companies , which […]