Posts Tagged: northern california

Heavenly Village, Tahoe, 14/Dec/2013

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First session of the season — still suffering from it 🙂 The motel we stayed in, clean and convenient as it might be had a TV though that has us wonder at first whether it requires a crankshaft… To our surprise, it didn’t — and even more, it was a colour TV one too! Here […]

Shooting Range — 27/Oct/2013

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I had to have a go at shooting a “proper” rifle too this time — I’m still trying to find the photo of the target at the end of the session, it’s somewhere in my phone, but I didn’t do too bad if I can say so myself 🙂

Vista Point – I280 – San Mateo

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Ok, there are 2 Vista Points on I-280 next to the San Mateo exit I take when I go to work, and this is only one of them. Since I don’t really know how (and whether??) they are labelled or called, I’m gonna refer to this one as the first — purely as it is […]

pacific ocean northern california cyprus point cyprus tree

Big Sur, California, 8-9/Sep/2012

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Continuing the series of random travels through USA this weekend with Monterey Bay and Big Sur and the coast of Northern California: For those who have seen the movie “Forrest Gump“, you will be pleased to know that on the backend of that, “Bubba Gump Shrimp Co” was created — for real: Yup, I did […]

crater lake, rim village, oregon, usa

Labor Day 2012 : Eureka, College Cove & Crater Lake

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Labor Day 2012, and the National Lampoon holiday to Portland, Oregon via Eureka started on the Friday before 🙂 Plan was very simple: drive to Eureka really early Friday, spend night there, drive next day to Portland and party it out there and gun it back to the Valley on Monday. Simple, right? Well… except […]

Spelling Lesson a la California :-)

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Time to review my English writing skills it seems — either that or do some research on this new type of berry out there, probably only specific to Northern California I guess : STAWBERRY!!! (Related by any chance to STRAWBERRY I wonder, or just a simple coincidence? 😀 hmmmmm)