Continuing the series of random travels through USA this weekend with Monterey Bay and Big Sur and the coast of Northern California:
For those who have seen the movie “Forrest Gump“, you will be pleased to know that on the backend of that, “Bubba Gump Shrimp Co” was created — for real:
Yup, I did have the “Bucket of Trash” 🙂
Coastal California is nice but f.. me driving can be tricky at times!
Big Sur the next day, with a hike to see McWay Waterfall:
Back at the base, my attention has been captured by these blue bird — quite cheeky: one of them definitely had its eyes on my shiny blackberry and came within a few inches of it but got scared of me 🙂
On the way back, quick stop at a coffee shop on the side of the road, exhibiting some rather interesting artwork:
And can’t talk California without mentioning beaches, right? 😉