I been using node.js for a while now, and I do like it. I think I am still to make up my mind as to I consider this a solid production environment or it’s just a great tool for scripting and getting prototype off the ground — but even so, I definitely see its place in […]
Posts Tagged: scripting
Application Monitoring and Management using Sun’s JMX/HTML Interface
This is something I wanted to write about a while back – while there are articles on the net about using JMX in a Java application to keep an eye on how it ticks, or manage its running cycle, I think there is still a large number of users out there who are somewhat reluctant […]
Groovy Scripting at the Power of Commons CLI
I’ve found myself more and more scripting stuff in Groovy — partly I’m guessing it’s cause of my Java background, partly because I’m probably not such a good bash/awk/perl/sed/etc script hacker 🙂 Nevertheless, make no mistakes, Groovy is an awesome scripting tool! (I’m not going to praise its benefits in terms of building applications — […]
Java vs JavaScript?
The title of this post was intentionally chosen to raise some eyebrows – after all we all know that in most cases (I’m taking the likes of Rhino out of the equation, same for applets) the former resides on the server side while the latter is used as a client-side language. So why would someone […]