I thought I’d post this on my blog as well since this seems to get a lot of attention nowadays (it certainly seems to get a lot of visitors!). I just started a new open-source project on SourceForge.net — I know you github fans will jump at my throat for using sf.net and not github, […]
Posts Tagged: server
Server Migration
Some of you might have noticed, some might not, but I finally got off my arse to migrate my liviutudor.com domain to a proper hosting package. Gone are the days where I had 2 servers stuck under my desk at home — as much as I had fun X11-ing into my Linux boxes and adding […]
Monitoring Your Servers
One of the common tasks of setting up a production environment in your datacentre is setting up monitoring of your servers. This is quite often overlooked (“our application doesn’t have bugs and doesn’t crash!”) until hell breaks loose. At this point the damage is done and 9 times out of 10 is irreparable. (If you […]
How good is your hosting?
I’ve seen so many adverts lately online for various hosting packages and co-locaton offers, data centre and so on, each one of them claiming to be the best there is thus raising the question: which one is the best really? While beauty is always in the eye of the beholder, the answer is always relative […]