I use RxJava a lot nowadays — back in the day before I joined Netflix I was struggling with it a bit and mostly watched from the sideline but nowadays I find myself pulling in that dependency in a lot of the Java code I’m writing. And I also use the Spock framework a lot […]
Posts Tagged: unit testing
Gradle Multi-module Projects — Centralized Configuration
This is a sweet gradle trick for those of you working on multi-module projects, if you are looking to centralize some of the configuration in the parent gradle build, and avoid repeating configuration / build code across sub-modules. Let’s say you have the following gradle project structure (see image below) where project A is the […]
JaCoCo / Gradle — Excluding Source Files and Classes
I have switched recently from Cobertura to JaCoCo so I started becoming more familiar with this tool. (And since you asked, one of the main reasons for the switch is that Cobertura is absolutely terrible when it comes to Java lambdas and pollutes the output with a lot of warning and messages about malformed Java […]
@TupleConstructor in Groovy Language
I find myself nowadays mixing a lot of JVM languages: I write a lot of “core” code in Java, as I prefer the verbosity of it somehow, but then I find myself a lot of times I just need a lot of utilities or “quickies” around this code — be it for unit testing purposes […]
What Most Schools Don’t Teach…
If you work in IT, you have probably by now have seen the famous video on YouTube labelled “What most schools don’t teach” — where Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and a few other prominent figures are talking about how easy it is to program, and how only 10% of the USA schools teach programming. It […]