Posts Tagged: valley toastmasters

Love Thy History

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This is another speech I’ve given at Valley Toastmasters and it’s part of the Competent Communicator manual, project #10: “Inspire Your Audience”. (The speech is actually based on a Ted talk given by Terry Moore titled “Why is ‘x’ the unknown” and you can watch it here: ) As a reminder, the objectives of […]

Welcome to British Gas!

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This is another speech I’ve given at Valley Toastmasters, and it’s part of Competent Communicator manual, project #6: “Vocal Variety”. As a reminder, the objectives of the project are: Use voice volume, pitch, rate and quality to reflect and add meaning and interest to your message Use pauses to enhance your message Use vocal variety […]

Project Management Disaster

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This is another speech I’ve given at Valley Toastmasters, and it’s part of Competent Communicator manual, project #8: “Get Comfortable with Visual Aids“. (The speech is actually based on Michael Wolfe‘s answer to a question on Quora: “Engineering Management: Why are software development tasks estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3?”. I have taken […]