Monthly Archives: October 2010

“I dont need advertising!”

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I talked in my previous post about people who are self-proclaimed online advertising haters and touched there on the subject of the targeted and not targeted audience when it comes to online advertising. I felt the subject deserves a few more lines from me so here it is: I know a lot of you keep […]

Why I Think Technology Is Overrated

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You might find the opening title of this post shocking – even more so as I’m involved with technology on a daily basis! – and while it is true that I have chosen a very striking title for it to grab your attention hopefully by the end of it you might agree with some of […]

“I hate advertising!”

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Maybe due to the fact that I have been involved throughout the last few years of my life in online advertising, or maybe because of the nature of the people I come in contact with frequently but the above phrase has become a common occurrence in daily conversations. I bet some of you reading this […]

Let’s teach the world

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I’m fed up with reading a lot of articles on various technical websites which are aiming to teach the world how to do various things related to programming! And that sounds strange I know, because we need those articles, we need more people to share their knowledge this way. But I’m fed up because I […]