Monthly Archives: February 2011

With My Niece at Soft Play

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Since I’m finally getting the time to download all the pictures for the last few weeks from my phone, here’s some old ones with my niece at soft play — though not sure which one of us enjoyed it more 🙂

Late Shooting Trophy

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You’ve all seen my team picking up a shooting trophy in the Cognitive Match Christmas Day Out 2010, I’m sure; however, here’s a late trophy for me for the same day (thanks Nancy!) — shame it didn’t get to me on time as I’m sure everyone would have enjoyed the label which reads “Who said […]

attractive woman

Can’t Have Your Cake and Eat It!

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This comes a bit late, as I’ve seen this advert around Valentine Day but only now I had the chance to actually do “stuff” on my blog: To those of you who are still dreaming of the “perfect woman”, it appears you can’t have that! You can only choose to have your woman to be […]