I’m a Pretty Good Software Engineer, Me! :D

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As some of you know it, there’s been recent discussion about my moving to Silicon Valley. I won’t bore you with the details of what and how and when, but 2 of my colleagues, Rowan Jacobson and Denis Lowe are in the same boat. So being the absolute ejits we are and not having a clue about cost of living and salaries there, we found ourselves recently looking into this using indeed.

The first obvious search to do was “software engineer” — and this is what the site informs us:

OK, cool, so out come this idea — that’s the average figure, right, but how much am *I* going to make? And this is what indeed.com tells us:


(Rowan, sorry bru, you should have known by now that Denis is waaaay above you! :D)

However, here’s what it looks like for “Liv” (aka me!):

Not only do I rise above Rowan and Denis (who’s your daddy now, boys? :D) but I think we can safely say I’m way above average, right?

So as I said in the opening of this entry: I’m pretty fucking good software engineer, me! šŸ˜€

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