Monthly Archives: August 2012

Note to Self on Being a Coder

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There’s no point in hiding the fact that quite for a while I’ve been dealing with a few rather messy projects — and in doing so, together with others working on these, I have found come across all sorts of shenanigans and oddities (caused quite often by myself and not just the others) which, with […]

Re-enforce Your Car Bumpers, California :)

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As of yesterday, I have now a (temporary) Californian driving license — need to still go through the actual driving test it seems (though the irony is that I will drive my car to the testing centre — on my British license! — then take the test, and even if I fail it — can’t […]

Iron Maiden, You’re Still the Bollocks!

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Who would have thought these old timers can still rock? What an awesome concert — this Friday just gone (03/Aug/2012) at Shoreline Amphitheater in Mountain View!!! I wish my camera was better, as the photos below don’t do this event any favours (note to self: get rid of the bloody BlackBerry!) so you’ll have to […]