Monthly Archives: September 2012

8000 page views a month wassup website stats

8,000+ Page Views a Month!

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Back in February/2012, I’ve hit 3,000+ page views a month — big milestone for a small blog like this, I’m sure you’ll all agree! It appears traffic has been on the way up though, as my latest look at the Wassup stats reveals over 8,000 page views for the last month! And that is, as […]

network pc monitors

(Small) Bug with Oracle’s HTML/JMX Interface

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I posted before an article about how to use Oracle’s (well, Sun’s, since it was started really before the Oracle acquisition) HTML/JMX agent to monitor your apps via JMX here. For those of you who went ahead and decided to use that interface, you probably noticed a small (but rather annoying bug) in that component […]

Shuttle Endeavor Californian Flyby — 21/Sep/2012

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By sheer act of random I was one of the lucky ones to actually see Endeavor today flying over Mountain View. And I’ve realised once again in attempting to take photos of it that my BlackBerry is pretty rubbish at taking photos 🙂 As such I will try to provide 2 versions for each of […]

RFC : DynamicMBean in JDK — Method getAttributes

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In case you haven’t quite figured it out, the above RFC stands for Request For Clarifications in this case — as in, this post is meant to pretty much ask the tinterweb population out there if they know anything about this. (My searches so far have proved unsuccessful — though I am known to be […]

pacific ocean northern california cyprus point cyprus tree

Big Sur, California, 8-9/Sep/2012

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Continuing the series of random travels through USA this weekend with Monterey Bay and Big Sur and the coast of Northern California: For those who have seen the movie “Forrest Gump“, you will be pleased to know that on the backend of that, “Bubba Gump Shrimp Co” was created — for real: Yup, I did […]

crater lake, rim village, oregon, usa

Labor Day 2012 : Eureka, College Cove & Crater Lake

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Labor Day 2012, and the National Lampoon holiday to Portland, Oregon via Eureka started on the Friday before 🙂 Plan was very simple: drive to Eureka really early Friday, spend night there, drive next day to Portland and party it out there and gun it back to the Valley on Monday. Simple, right? Well… except […]

Business Management and Leadership Lesson, IHOP Style!

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The title of this quite likely would sound really really weird to a lot of you — you don’t necessarily associate IHOP with business management (or leadership lessons)! However, I wish all of the “pedigrees” I see strutting around the Silicon Valley would take time off from their usual brushing up their resume and trying […]