Monthly Archives: October 2012

Perf4J and Object Creation/Destroy

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If at any point in your coding life you had to measure some component performance, chances are that you came across Perf4J at some point. To quote from their own website: Perf4J is to System.currentTimeMillis() as log4j is to System.out.println() There are of course other ways to measure timings of components execution, however, I found […]

rugby goal rugby ball

The Rugby Team Principle

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I guess I’m no rugby expert but I am an avid fan — those of you who know me can probably testify for that. My passion for the sport goes to the point of considering rugby the ultimate sport – as I believe it has a bit of every other sport in it – and […]

Playing Around with Buffers

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I found myself recently using the Buffer class in the Apache Commons Collections framework — and realised that the Buffer-related classes don’t get enough coverage as they probably should, since they can actually provide out-of-the-box solutions to common development problems. So I started this little exercise partly to demonstrate some of the powerful Buffer-based classes […]

Marketing Session – Play

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I will explain at the end what triggered in my mind this virtual theater play — as I had a deja vu moment and couldn’t help but share it (story of my blog really 🙂 ). This is my first attempt at “writing” a play so bear with me — hopefully it will be worth […]

wordpress writing settings update services

Updates Services / WordPress

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OK so for a while I’ve been keeping an eye on who and what and how indexes my blog, trying, like all the other bloggers out there to get a bit more “traction” (I looooove Silicon Valley slang 😉 ) for my blog. Part of this, is not just relying on the standard Google or […]