Monthly Archives: August 2014

computer code

Careful with Naming in Your Platform — Part 2

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I’ve written before on this blog about the importance of naming “things” in a tech platform/framework and I feel this deserves a bit more attention, so here is a follow-up. Previous post saw me discussing naming class member data as well as database fields — these can wreak havoc amongst your users (be them developers […]

Tales from Ole’ Romania: Electricity

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OK, so I’ve decided to blog, amongst all the other stuff I publish on my blog, about some of the experiences I’ve been through or remember from “ole Romania”: the pre-1989, communist, Romania — or RSR (The Socialist Republic of Romania as it was known to us). I’ve realised recently, talking to people “from the […]

maven-release Plugin and GitHub Issues

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This one is another good find from the maven “gotchas” archives. Good enough at least to make it onto my blog 🙂 I brief, I’ve been pulling my hair for the best part of yesterday trying to figure out what’s going wrong with my maven-based project, which used to work otherwise fine until recently. It […]


Careful with Naming in Your Platform

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For those of you who keep an eye on my blog, I write quite a bit about technology and about software engineering — that’s because by trade I am a software engineer and quite passionate about a few areas in this segment. I write code and as such I blog a lot about coding. I […]


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Quite a while back, (and I mean quite a while back, that’s been enough water under the bridge so I can now tell the story 🙂 ) I used to work for this guy who quite frankly was way out of his depth in the position he was in. He was my (and others’) boss […]

Fixing aws-maven Issue with “Access Denied”

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I’ve been using the aws-maven plugin for a while now to deploy Maven artifacts to S3. Typically I’ll use the Maven Archiver plugin to package the projects in some sort of tarball then use aws-maven to upload this to S3. From there on regardless of the deployment tools I use on our production servers I […]