OK, so you use Gradle to build your Java projects. And if you use the application plugin in Gradle then you get also the startup script generation so you can ship that straight into your prod servers. Thing is, the application plugin generates a “standard” script — which does include the classpath and a whole […]
Posts Tagged: application
Small App for Linking Twitter and HowAboutWe
OK so I know it’s geeky as you like, and to a certain degree pointless… however, for the sake of being a geek and using Twitter too much perhaps, I decided to give this a go, and it turned out into an app that I rather enjoyed playing with (as well as writing it of […]
Java Catalog 1.1
It’s only been 1 day since I published Java Catalog 1.0 and I got already feedback on this from 3 visitors! This beats any previous “records” on my website, I must confess, hence the rush to incorporate these into the code/package and publish a new version! Simone Tripodi, being the helpful guy he always is, […]
Java Catalog 1.0
It’s amazing what you find when you look closely at how you use a computer nowadays — I only just realised that ages ago I have put together this little Java application to help me sort out my mobile phone image collection every time I download them onto my computer…yet even though I’ve been using […]
Developing for multi-cores and the cloud
I have noticed recently that “cloud” and “multi-core” became buzz words in the Java world. (About time if you ask me!) The interesting bit is the implication it has on writing code — and so many developers (and not only!) are blogging their nuts off about this. All of a sudden it is ok to […]