Quite a while back, (and I mean quite a while back, that’s been enough water under the bridge so I can now tell the story 🙂 ) I used to work for this guy who quite frankly was way out of his depth in the position he was in. He was my (and others’) boss […]
Posts Tagged: command line
Using Apache Commons CLI to Parse Arguments
I’ve talked before on this blog about Apache Commons CLI project and showcased how easy it is to use it to build a rather complex command-line syntax for your Java application. If you find yourself at any point writing an application which needs more than one command line switch, I strongly recommend Commons CLI is […]
Groovy Scripting at the Power of Commons CLI
I’ve found myself more and more scripting stuff in Groovy — partly I’m guessing it’s cause of my Java background, partly because I’m probably not such a good bash/awk/perl/sed/etc script hacker 🙂 Nevertheless, make no mistakes, Groovy is an awesome scripting tool! (I’m not going to praise its benefits in terms of building applications — […]
System Console Support — JDK 1.6
I’m sure some of you have found the need occasionally to use the “console” input/output support provided by the JDK via System.in and System.out — if nothing else just to implement an occasional more complicated command-line “scripty” app to be run in a Linux environment and piped input in or out from/to another program. The […]