Posts Tagged: eclipse

Running Multiple JDK Versions on Mac OS X

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If you’re a Java developer like me, working on a bunch of different projects at the same time, then you quite likely find yourself in the situation where you need to switch in between different JDK versions every time you switch context/project. In my case, I am working on the (good) stuff we got going […]

System Console Support — JDK 1.6

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I’m sure some of you have found the need occasionally to use the “console” input/output support provided by the JDK via and System.out — if nothing else just to implement an occasional more complicated command-line “scripty” app to be run in a Linux environment and piped input in or out from/to another program. The […]

J2ME Convertor Application

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Yet another resurrected (old) J2ME application from my old website. I couldn’t actually find the original page for this, just the zip file with all the sources for this and the compiled version.So you might have to figure this one by yourself I’m afraid! If (and that is a big “if” at the moment unfortunately!) […]

J2ME StopWatch Application

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This is another resurrect from my old website — again, it seems people are visiting my site looking for this (old) J2ME application. Please be aware that I haven’t updated this application in ages — it was known to run last time I checked, but that was a while back. I suspect as such it’s […]

java code

Compilation tools

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If you are developing applications as your day job then you are used more than likely to compiling your code and then running it (I know there are exceptions to the rule in those who are using interpreted languages but there’s still a majority of us it seems who use compilers). Some of you might […]