This is a sweet gradle trick for those of you working on multi-module projects, if you are looking to centralize some of the configuration in the parent gradle build, and avoid repeating configuration / build code across sub-modules. Let’s say you have the following gradle project structure (see image below) where project A is the […]
Posts Tagged: gradle build
Specify File Order for Combining JavaScript Files through gradle-js-plugin
If you use Gradle builds to combine and minify JavaScript source files via the gradle-js-plugin (thanks, Eric!), you might have run into the same problem as I did: ordering of the files! The Github docco doesn’t mention (yet!) anything around it and you are left to guess that doing something like this will sort out […]
JaCoCo / Gradle — Excluding Source Files and Classes
I have switched recently from Cobertura to JaCoCo so I started becoming more familiar with this tool. (And since you asked, one of the main reasons for the switch is that Cobertura is absolutely terrible when it comes to Java lambdas and pollutes the output with a lot of warning and messages about malformed Java […]
Jenkins CI Trick to Prevent Task from Triggering Itself on SCM Commit
I’ve come across this recently working on a project in Netflix and thought worth sharing. The project I was dealing with packages some JavaScript code which, before deployment, needed to be minified. We have set up our Jenkins task such that it polls Git for changes in the master branch and when the changes are […]
CodeNarc and Gradle
I have started using recently Gradle, which I have to confess I actually find to be a bliss compared to Maven. Maybe because I prefer a Groovy-based syntax for build configuration, rather than Maven’s XML-based configuration file. Or maybe because I feel somehow the Gradle peeps have made the tool a bit easier to use […]