I just saw this the other day on LinkedIn — a set of 2 job openings targeted at me. Nothing unusual, LinkedIn does a good job at targeting jobs at their users (it is in fact due to LinkedIn I ended up at Netflix, via a very similar targeted job ad). However, there is something […]
Posts Tagged: hiring
“Well Funded, Pre-IPO Startup Seeks Talented Engineer”
No, I’m not advertising some position in any of the startups I have links or affiliations with, don’t worry, this is not one of “those” posts 🙂 I’m touching again on the subject of recruiting — and following recent advice, I am not throwing stones at recruiters, just trying to provide some helpful hints, this […]
About Life, Universe and Everything…Including Recruiting!
OK, if you never read Douglas Adams‘ work, then the above title might read odd for you — to say the least! On the other hand though, if “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is familiar to you then you gathered by now where I’m coming from. (And even if you don’t, read on — […]