Posts Tagged: java annotations

java code

Java Dependency Injection and a Useless Annotation

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I’ve stepped into the Guice territory rather recently — coming from the Spring framework side of things — and I guess I had so far a similar love/hate experience as with Spring. I rely mostly on the javax.annotation standards anyway so to a certain degree whether it’s Spring or Guice I guess doesn’t make that much […]

On Java Annotations and Type Safety

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Nicolas Fränkel published a blog entry recently talking about “Type-safe annotations” in Java — which trigger my thoughts on the same matter, and voila, there’s this post as a result of it. This is in fact my 2 cents on the matter — and as such I’d recommend you read Nicolas’ point of view too […]


Cobertura Issue with Ignoring Annotated Methods

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I’ve decided to plug in Cobertura in (some) of my projects to have an idea on the unit test/code coverage going on. I use Gradle, so I started looking at the Cobertura Gradle plugin. It turns out it’s pretty good — and offers a lot of the functionality that I needed. However, I came across […]