Posts Tagged: javadoc

java code

Java Dependency Injection and a Useless Annotation

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I’ve stepped into the Guice territory rather recently — coming from the Spring framework side of things — and I guess I had so far a similar love/hate experience as with Spring. I rely mostly on the javax.annotation standards anyway so to a certain degree whether it’s Spring or Guice I guess doesn’t make that much […]

Small Note on gradle’s afterEvaluate

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If you use gradle and you took the path to write your own gradle plugins (try it, it’s fun!) to make your build process more … “enjoyable”, then this might come in handy one day. I have worked on a few gradle plugins, some of them inside the Netflix Nebula suite, some of them outside Netflix […]

Java Map and Subtleties of getOrDefault vs computeIfAbsent

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I wrote recently about the new niceties in the Map interface that Java 8 brought to light where I’m highlighting in particular 2 new methods: getOrDefault and computeIfAbsent (see my previous post here about it). These provide a cleaner (and as it turns out faster too!) way of retrieving values from a Map instance. However, […]

Java 8 — Map and the Unknown “Niceties”

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Despite Java 9 making its way into the real world nowadays, I see a lot of Java code out there still relying on the old-style Java 6-like syntax. And I’m not talking about the usage of lambda’s, stream’s and the likes, but rather some of the improvements Java 8 brought to existing classes in the […]


Cobertura Issue with Ignoring Annotated Methods

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I’ve decided to plug in Cobertura in (some) of my projects to have an idea on the unit test/code coverage going on. I use Gradle, so I started looking at the Cobertura Gradle plugin. It turns out it’s pretty good — and offers a lot of the functionality that I needed. However, I came across […]

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What’s the Point in Having This Blog?

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I remember a while back I was headhunted by a (tech) company and the initial discussions went rather well so I decided to accept their invitation to go to their office for a more in-depth interview discussion. While meeting one of their team members the discussion came up about how do I keep myself up […]


Careful with Naming in Your Platform

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For those of you who keep an eye on my blog, I write quite a bit about technology and about software engineering — that’s because by trade I am a software engineer and quite passionate about a few areas in this segment. I write code and as such I blog a lot about coding. I […]


Evernote API — Small Maven Problem

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So I started looking a bit closer these days at the Evernote API — another platform alongside Twitter which I like a lot, which is to say it’s basically another platform I find myself writing all sorts of tiny apps around 🙂 From the beginning I find out right away a small problem in their […]