So I started looking a bit closer these days at the Evernote API — another platform alongside Twitter which I like a lot, which is to say it’s basically another platform I find myself writing all sorts of tiny apps around 🙂 From the beginning I find out right away a small problem in their documentation, and while I hurried up to send them a pull request on Github, I’m not sure how quickly their developers are going to react to that, so I thought I’d save some other Evernote enthusiasts some times to dig around by publishing this here as well.
First of all, I’m using the Evernote Java SDK — which is hosted on Github here: and you can find the JavaDoc here: . Even more, I’m using Maven/Eclipse as my dev environment. As such, I have tried to follow the instructions on the README file on Github — which is where I found the issue.
Their README states that if you use Maven you could simply use something like this in your pom.xml
<dependency> <groupId>com.evernote</groupId> <artifactId>evernote-api</artifactId> <version>1.25.0</version> </dependency> |
So I did ! 🙂 Only to get the dreaded message from maven about dependency not found 🙁
Digging a bit into it, I found out looking in the repo ( that they don’t actually use minor versions for their releases — as such, the above should actually be:
<dependency> <groupId>com.evernote</groupId> <artifactId>evernote-api</artifactId> <version>1.25</version> </dependency> |
(i.e. 1.25 rather than 1.25.0)
Having made that small change in my pom.xml
all worked good from there on.
I’ve forked their repo (here: and submitted a pull request from there to their repo to reflect these small docco changes (you can see the pull request on their original repo here: and hopefully they’ll merge it soon and stop this small confusions. However, until Evernote does so hopefully this entry helps all devs out there playing with their Java/Maven SDK.
Update on this as of Sunday, 13th of October 2013 I have received a heads-up from Evernote — many thanks to Kentaro Suzuki for taking the time to look at this pull request:
It makes perfect sense — rather than a whole change with the blur that I put in my pull request, simply update the version number in the docco to 1.25.1!
As such I will be deleted the forked repo in my github soon so some of the links above will render invalid.