I’ve encountered this one a few times and came across again recently and thought it relevant to deserve its own post, so here it is. If you have done any I/O in Java you likely came across the Reader class, unlike the InputStream class(es) which deal with bytes, the Reader makes the transition into reading […]
Posts Tagged: Oracle
Java Dependency Injection and a Useless Annotation
I’ve stepped into the Guice territory rather recently — coming from the Spring framework side of things — and I guess I had so far a similar love/hate experience as with Spring. I rely mostly on the javax.annotation standards anyway so to a certain degree whether it’s Spring or Guice I guess doesn’t make that much […]
Why You Should Use Default Methods in Java 8 Interfaces
With Java 8, Oracle introduced the concept of “default methods” in interfaces (and if you really haven’t heard of this — wtf?? — you can read more here about it: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/defaultmethods.html). This argue some is a step towards multiple inheritance and as such should be banished from the oh, so pure! Java language. Others point out […]
Marketing Automation Companies Have a Lot to Learn from Tech World
As you might know by now, I’ve adjusted a bit my career recently. My core experience is a techie in the online advertising world — and as of recently I’ve moved into an adjacent segment: digital marketing. It sounds like a drastic move, but to be honest, when you look closely, it’s actually the same […]
Using OS-level Signals in Java for Monitoring
For those of you familiar to monitoring Java applications, I’m sure the first thing that springs to mind is JMX. And I agree, that is a nice framework to provide various app insights for tracking and monitoring. The trouble with JMX though, if you haven’t got a system in place already to collect this data […]
First Steps with Jolokia
In a (rather old) previous post I have talked about using Sun (ahem Oracle!) JMX/HTML bridge to manage and monitor your applications. As it happens, that agent has been discontinued and due to various licensing issues (I’m guessing) one can’t even download it normally from a maven repo, and has to rely on all sorts […]
(Small) Bug with Oracle’s HTML/JMX Interface
I posted before an article about how to use Oracle’s (well, Sun’s, since it was started really before the Oracle acquisition) HTML/JMX agent to monitor your apps via JMX here. For those of you who went ahead and decided to use that interface, you probably noticed a small (but rather annoying bug) in that component […]
Application Monitoring and Management using Sun’s JMX/HTML Interface
This is something I wanted to write about a while back – while there are articles on the net about using JMX in a Java application to keep an eye on how it ticks, or manage its running cycle, I think there is still a large number of users out there who are somewhat reluctant […]
Sun To Be Acquired by Oracle
Wow — that’s some news that I just read about today: http://www.sun.com/third-party/global/oracle/index.jsp?goback=.hom — Sun Microsystems is to be acquired by Oracle! Prepare for new model of licensing for Java — starting with Personal edition at £500 and ending up with Enterprise that will only run on Oracle 10g and cost around £500k! All you EJB […]