OK, so I’ve decided perhaps it’s time I give my blog’s look a refresh. I looked around and found this WordPress theme called Frantic on WordPress theme website: https://wordpress.org/themes/frantic/. It had the right look I was after but was missing one tiny thing — a “footer sidebar”. Previously I was using the Intrepidity WordPress theme […]
Posts Tagged: OSS
Using the Netflix Genie Client in Java
Ok, so if you haven’t been watching my activity on GitHub you might have missed this, and as such I feel it deserves a full on blog post. Recently, having joined Netflix, I started using some of their libraries, as to be expected. One of the things that I used pretty much from day one […]
Don’t Get Weirded Out by “Open Source”
I read recently Robert Lindh’s post on his blog about the argument he makes for re-branding the concept of “open source” and I have to sympathize with it. If you’re a techie you are quite likely accustomed to the concept of open source and probably use some open source framework or stack. In fact you […]